newborn boy sleeping on a neutral blanket with foot peaking out

Pregnancy Photographer Vancouver | Top 5 Tips – How to avoid diaper rash

Our heart goes out to our little babies and their little red bums. Diaper rash is often related to wet or infrequently changed diapers, skin sensitivity, and chafing. There is plenty you can do to avoid or minimize the rash which is great news!

Get naked

The cleaner and drier the bum, the less likely it is to develop diaper rash. Try to give your little one as much diaper free time as possible. If you can find out some of your baby’s bathroom clues are to make the diaper-free time dry.

Most babies tend to go to the bathroom right after they wake upIf you’re home with your newborn, or your nanny or caregiver is open to it, try to find windows of time during the day for the baby to go diaper-free. A great tip is to lay baby on a blanket or towel and play with him or her for a while. Find a great resource about how to practice diaper free time without the mess here.

Ditch the chemicals

If you baby is sensitive maybe the commercial diapers are not the way to go or try the different brands and see if that makes a difference. Try and choose diapers, wipes and creams that are free of unnecessary chemicals. Babies can react to anything really so experiment to find the right fit for your little one. Try and stay with fragrance-free and alcohol-free products to eliminate the biggest factors.

Many parents wonder about what kind of diapers to use. When it comes to preventing diaper rash, there’s no compelling evidence that cloth diapers are better than disposable diapers or vice versa. Because there’s no one best diaper, use whatever works for you and your baby.

Change often

Diaper rash can alarm parents and annoy babies. But it usually clears up with simple at-home treatments, such as air drying, more frequent diaper changes and ointment. Try and change your little ones diaper promptly and rinse with warm water. Make sure to dab the area dry or let air dry before putting on a new diaper.

If your baby gets a lot of diaper rashes a moisture resistant rash ointment can help, but make sure you apply the creme on the dry skin not to trap any moisture underneath.

Leave loose

Tight diapers prevent airflow and traps water, which sets up a moist environment. Tight diapers can also cause chafing at the waist or thighs, which also causes a lot of discomfort. A great tip is to make sure you can still easily fit a finger or two between the leg holes and waistband.

Foods to loose

Introduction of new foods. As babies start to eat solid foods, the content of their stool changes. This increases the likelihood of diaper rash. Changes in your baby’s diet can also increase the frequency of stools, which can lead to diaper rash. If your baby is breast-fed, he or she may develop diaper rash in response to something the mother has eaten.

High-fat and high-sugar foods tend to exacerbate diaper rash, while some starchy foods can help soothe it. A few examples are Lentils, beans, rice, potatoes …

Try to avoid the following foods and see if it makes a difference:

Citrus fruit, grapes, raisins, strawberries, cows milk, apple, pear, cherry, pears, apricots, prunes and peaches

Having a diaper rash is no fun. And, plus, you want to maintain a nice, smooth, happy bum for those cute newborn and toddler pictures.

Hi , I am Tanja and a Newborn Photographer & Maternity Photographer located in North Vancouver. Ready to capture amazing, one of a kind images of your happy newborn? Contact me to schedule your newborn or baby photo session.

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