Babywearing – 5 Reasons You Should Wear Daily
Guest post by Ponnie Matin Pelchat from Ponnie Matin Studios and Kangatraining North America
Definition: ba·by·wear·ing /ˈbābēˌweriNG/
The action or practice of carrying a baby close against one’s body in a sling or similar carrier.
For as long as there have been babies, we have carried them. Here are 5 evidence based reasons to grab your carrier and cuddle that baby close.
#1- Less Crying
Babywearing for as little as just 3 hours a day can reduce your babies crying by up to 54%. The close contact also helps the caregiver become more responsive to the baby further reducing crying. A walking caregiver can stimulate a calming response in the baby seen by central, motor and cardiac regulations.
#2 – Less reflux
Babies who are worn typically have fewer reflux symptoms. Less spitting up or vomiting up that precious milk, coughing or breathing problems. There is also evidence that shows the massage of a carrier increases gastric activity and therefore helps with food absorption.
#3 – Aids in babies development
Tactile stimulation leads to an increase in babies bone density and weight gain. Babywearing is a safe alternative to help reduce the risk of flat head. Now since baby is also crying less, they spend more time in a state of quiet alertness. This allows them to learn and you guessed it, become smarter.
#4- Increases breastfeeding rates
This one is pretty self-explanatory. The additional touch and regulation helps both baby and mama. Moms who wore their babies for as little as just 1 hour a day in the first month of life had significantly higher breastfeeding rates at three and five months. They also spend way less time sterilizing bottles.
#5 – The caregiver benefits too
Not only does babywearing promote secure baby attachment and bonding, but it helps with postpartum depression. The warmth and touch encourages wellbeing in both caregiver and baby by increasing oxytocin levels.
Need I add it also takes less energy than in arm carrying (16% less in fact)
Need help with babywearing? Feel free to contact me via my website or social media.
About the author:
Ponnie is a Certified Babywearing Consultant and Countryleader for Kangatrainng North America. She specializes in the first year of babies life as well as women’s health and fitness.