Feeding your newborn during your photoshoot | Newborn Photographer Burnaby

One of the biggest issues in the first few weeks is what and how you will feed your newborn. Everyone from the staff at the hospital, to your family and friends, to strangers you meet on the street, will have an opinion about feeding your newborn baby. 

There are many factors that influence how you feed your baby and is completely your choice, please don’t let anyone tell you otherwise and make you feel bad about your decision. You need to decide what works best for you and your family and sometimes you don’t have a choice. I am here to support you and to help you feel comfortable feeding your baby whichever way you choose. 


I only schedule one session per day to make sure I have plenty of time for you and your family and we take as many breaks as your little one needs. I enjoy spending my time getting to know you more while you feed your little one. I usually suggest to feed your baby before you come to the studio if you are close by or schedule the feed at the studio. Please expect that your baby might be feeding more during the newborn photo shoot. A full baby is a happy baby.

During the session I make sure to check for baby’s hunger cues:

  • Fists moving to mouth.
  • Head turning to look for the breast.
  • Becoming more alert and active.
  • Sucking on hands or lip smacking.
  • Opening and closing mouth.

Signs baby is full:

  • Baby releases or “falls off” your breast.
  • Baby turns away from your nipple.
  • Baby relaxes their body and opens their fists.


If you are breastfeeding I have a pillow to help you feel comfortable, which will be sanitized after each session. I know it can be uncomfortable for some moms to feed in front of others and for that situation I have a lovely cover waiting for you at the studio. If you would prefer more privacy please just let me know and I am happy to give you some space. I am completely comfortable with the female body as this is part of my profession.


If you are bottle feeding I have a fridge to keep your milk or formula cold andI also have a bottle warmer to heat up baby’s milk when needed. I usually suggest to bring extra bottles as baby might eat more during the session.

Please let me know if you have any other questions about my Maternity or Newborn photo shoot, I would love to chat with you!